Book Jacket Template

Book Jacket Template
Book Jacket Template

Interest: Intrigue interest and create curiosity. Again, book jacket copy is about sales, and copywriters generally have knowledge of certain key words that engage readers and get them excited about a book. These terms relate to each genre and audience; the same words that entice a thirteen-year-old girl to purchase a young-adult book will be far different from the key words in place on the back of a literary novel aimed at an adult audience. Your best bet? Research your market.

Book Jacket Template

You might even want to peruse the New York Times Bestseller List - choose a couple of books from the list and read over their jacket copy. The jacket copy may not be the only thing selling those books, but it can't hurt to check out the success stories.

Book Jacket Template

Book Jacket Template

Book Jacket Template
Book Jacket Template


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